Consulting services
You have questions. We have answers.
Claigan currently provides consulting support for restricted materials to over 100 companies. When people talk about restricted materials experts, they always talk about Claigan.
Our most popular consulting service is our quarterly updates.
Every quarter (or month), one of Claigan’s experts explains to your team and stakeholders what has changed in restricted materials regulations and enforcement. The update is fully interactive: your team can ask questions, and all the material is tailored for your products and requirements. The service includes risk assessments of newly regulated substances.

Chemical labelling and SDS services
Turns out the Globally Harmonized System isn’t so Harmonious after all.
Jurisdictions all around the world use the UN GHS as a framework to create their own national
legislations, taking the parts they like and removing or altering what they don’t. Couple this with bi-annual revisions of the UN version and requirements can vary significantly from country to country. And don’t even get us started
on Consumer labeling, which is typically completely separate from GHS.
Whether it’s GHS, SDS, or Consumer Labeling, Claigan has the knowledge and expertise to ensure you are meeting all of your global HazCom requirements.
The first rule of restricted materials compliance –
“The requirements that you are mostly likely non-compliant for are the ones you didn’t know about.”
Claigan provides you a quick reference for all the restricted materials regulations, what applies to you, what you have to do, and what the level of enforcement is.